Working from home is great. Where else can you work in your pajamas while simultaneously not having to worry about hopping in your car to fight morning traffic? However, there are a few downsides to working at home. The home is your comfort zone, and it’s pretty easy to get distracted in front of the TV or simply by tinkering around the house. To ensure that you are getting the most out of your work day, consider doing the following to avoid distractions . . . >>Continue reading Avoiding Distractions in Your Home Office
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Google Voice Is Handy Handy Handy
I’ve had a second land-line since 1997 and a cell phone since 1998, but I’m absolutely in love with Google Voice. If you work at home, or want to, as a telecommuter or a small business owner, you might find Google Voice to be a helpful tool, too. >>Continue reading Google Voice Is Handy Handy Handy
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Working From Home – Productivity Driver or Drainer?
CHICAGO, SEPTEMBER 15, 2011 – Is working from home an efficient alternative to the traditional office job or a productivity killer? The results of a new CareerBuilder survey on telecommuting may bolster the arguments for both sides. While nearly one-in-five (17 percent) Americans who telecommute at least part of the time spend one hour or less per day on work, 35 percent work eight or more hours – a major… >>Continue reading Working From Home - Productivity Driver or Drainer?
Read moreAre You Brandwashed?
As a general rule, I hate dealing with sales people in stores… particularly when it comes to buying hardware and electronics. I much prefer ‘smart’ researching online and chatting with friends about whatever product (or service for that matter) I find myself in need of.
Check out this video of a salesman in a tech store who’s trying to push his own brand (Lemon) to the poor consumers who… >>Continue reading Are You Brandwashed?
Read moreDay To Day Operations: Tips Towards Organizing Your Home Business
Running a business isn’t easy, but that’s one of the reasons why people do it. If being successful were simple, then everyone would do it. Running your own business comes with its own set of challenges. When you’re a one-person company, you can’t rely on anyone else to get the work done. You’ll fly or fall under your own strength and keeping everything together can be quite the task. Getting through the daily demands requires a lot of the individual that often comes from sheer determination. Jess Wagner provides a list of some of the things to keep in mind when you’re going over your daily routine and trying to keep everything in order. >>Continue reading Day To Day Operations: Tips Towards Organizing Your Home Business
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InstantCommute – New Telecommuting Jobs Listings Resource
I ran across a press release from, a relatively new site promising to list telecommuting jobs only and update the list daily. I checked it out and it looks promising. The website has a nice clean look arranged like a blog with the latest job opening posts at the top. They’ve got a few articles and an RSS feed (or email subscription) so you can keep up with new posts. Do you sense a “but” coming? >>Continue reading InstantCommute - New Telecommuting Jobs Listings Resource
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Staples Says Telecommuters are Happier and Healthier
I know, personally, that I’m happier as a telecommuter than I ever was working in the traditional, commuting work force. But it’s nice to see another survey confirming what I already know. Staples, one of my favorite stores since they cater to home office customers like me, notes that 86% of telecommuters say they’re more productive in their home office. They also report that telecommuters are happier and healthier, more loyal, and better balanced. >>Continue reading Staples Says Telecommuters are Happier and Healthier
Read moreGetting Organized With Pendaflex
A while back a Pendaflex rep emailed me to see if I’d be interested in test driving some office organizing products. I already make use of Pendaflex hanging file folders to keep my file cabinet colorfully sane and keeping my home office organized is always a goal. So I decided to take them up on the challenge to see what they’d send and how I might be able to incorporate it into my every day organization tactics.
I was pretty surprised when the package arrived. There were far more handy items than I had expected. >>Continue reading Getting Organized With Pendaflex
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Free Webinar – Managing People You Can’t See
Do many of the people you work with work outside of the office? How has that affected your ability to manage and/or collaborate effectively?
Register for Citrix Online’s free webinar to hear James Ware, founder of The Future of Work…Unlimited, provide insights on how the nature of work has changed to include mobile and remote employees – and the challenges this new reality creates for managers. He’ll then offer… >>Continue reading Free Webinar - Managing People You Can't See
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