The Digital Slob

I ran across Curt Brandao on the Internet today and thought I’d note him here in case anyone else finds him as amusing as I do. I found him while going through telecommuting articles for the day to see if anything interesting might pop up.

I’d written about the SonicWALL telecommuting survey a while back that mentioned how some telecommuters admitted to working naked. Turns out that Curt Brandao works in Garfield boxers and fuzzy pink slippers.

His article, Telecommuters Save Time–and Soap, is an amusing commentary on the life of a digital slob. He begins by pointing out that

IF DONALD TRUMP really wants to test the time-management mettle of his flunkeys on “The Apprentice,” he should make them spend at least a few days of their 16-week job interview locked in a small room telecommuting in their skivvies.

How funny would that be? I’d suggest that the apprentice-wanna-bes be thrown into the total telecommuting fire and be asked to bring the children to school, pick them up from school six hours later, help them complete their homework, cook dinner and keep the house relatively clean and the piled up laundry at a minimum all while managing to do a good job at the Trump’s task at hand.

The digital slob ends his article by touting the telecommuters’ productivity horn.

So, Mr. Trump, if you want me to oversee the construction of your next skyscraper, I’ll get it done in record time and under budget, as long as you allow me to wash a load of whites and watch “America’s Next Top Model” at the same time. Few can match my tenacity and my strategic thinking, Mr. Trump, and no one else has my lucky Garfield boxers and my pink fuzzy slippers.

Curt Brandao is the Star-Bulletin’s production editor and a self-proclaimed digital slob.

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