Telecommuting and telework in the news.
I’m a geek. I like numbers and stats so I went looking for fun stuff for Mother’s day and found last year’s U.S. Census Bureau Facts for Features all about moms.
I’m just gonna list fun United Stats mom stats w/o sources – so be sure to check out the Facts page for the original source!
- Moms = 80.5 million
- Average number of children
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If you’ve been looking for a telecommuting job – make it your resolution to take one step every day for the upcoming year in that direction.
By January 1, 2008 you’ll have made outstanding progress (taken 365 steps) towards your goal and will perhaps be working at a job you love, from home.
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I live in the country, on a dead-end dirt road far from the hustle and bustle of city life. I prefer it that way but it certainly makes my options for broadband Internet access next to nil. And if you’re going to be serious about working from home, you definitely need a faster connection than dial-up… sooner or later.
When I began working at home I was on dial-up… >>Continue reading Internet Access for Idiots
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One of the things I like about working at home, exclusively, is the fact that I miss out on all the office politics and gossip. I’ve always taken that to be a good thing to miss.
Evidently that’s a bad thing. At least it is according to a doctoral student in social psychology who’s doing a dissertation on trust at the University of Delaware. I read Steve Bien-Aime’s article… >>Continue reading Office Politics & Gossip
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MENLO PARK, CA — Rising gas prices have many professionals considering telecommuting as an economical work option, but spending too much time working from home can mean saying goodbye to the corner office. In a recent survey, 43 percent of respondents said telecommuting is best suited for staff-level employees, compared with 18 percent who felt telecommuting is most beneficial for managers. In addition, more than two-thirds of respondents said senior… >>Continue reading HOME OFFICE OR CORNER OFFICE?: Telecommuting Best for Staff-Level Employees, Survey Shows
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As the Defense Department braces for massive changes from pending base closures and realignments, officials see telework as a saving grace that could soften the blow for their workforce. Although the rest of the government has yet to fully embrace telecommuting, Defense officials are implementing pilot programs and discussing ways to expand existing telework initiatives.
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Although the costs of implementing effective telework programs are far less than predicted, agencies have yet to provide a programmatic and enterprisewide approach to solidifying telecommuting within the government, a General Services Administration report said.
Government Computer News – 06/15/06
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from ITWeek, although geared specifically towards Information Technology professionals, often has interesting articles about working at home as well.
One of the articles last week, Telework and outsourcing growth raise security and skills issues, mentioned noted that:
IT managers will need to do more to provide data security and staff training as home working will continue to increase until 2010, according to a new report on… >>Continue reading Teleworkers Depend More on Helpdesks
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NBC News4, out of the Baltimore and DC area, did a story on Telecommuting where they quoted William Mularie (head of the Telework Consortium):
“If I’m a GS-12 federal worker and commute 20 miles into the District, I’m taking two months of my take-home pay, my take home pay, to pay for commuting to my office each year.”
Stop by the site to see the Video… >>Continue reading Telecommuters Report from NBC4
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